Written in Red - Anne Bishop

Written in Red, a gritty story of...mail delivery?


I'm always on the hunt for PNR/UF with great worldbuilding. Written in Red has this in spades. It's tight with an intriguing premise - a blood prophet, valued and cut repeatedly for her knowledge, hides amongst a group of Others, vicious beings who have zero regard for humans. I was fascinated by the world and customs of the terre indigne. This kept me reading long past the point I ordinarily would have given up.


Unfortunately, the rest of the book did not live up to its potential. Basically it plays out as Meg hides out with the Others, takes a job as a sort of postmistress to them, and befriends them by delivering their packages. And if that sounds duller than dirt, it's because it is. There are minor intrigues along the way, such as Simon's son who refuses to shift from wolf form. But I bet you can guess how that is resolved. Meg is Super Special and has masterful ideas and powers of persuasion. This tiresome theme occupied what could have been a strong, suspenseful story.


Many readers loved this book and have continued reading the series, but it was such a letdown for me I couldn't subject myself to more.